Dental Check-Up & Teeth Cleaning in Brighton, Brisbane
Most of us have been told for as long as we can remember how paying regular dentist visits is a vital part of a good dental hygiene routine. It’s not just in the context of dental check-ups to check for cavities or other problems, important though that is. But also, teeth cleaning in Brisbane is considered one of the primary defences against issues like cavities or gum disease even arising in the first place.
Cleaning Where You Can’t in a Way You Can’t
You might argue that you brush your teeth and floss after every meal, just like the dentist advised, so you don’t need the dentist to clean your teeth. Now, nobody disputes the importance of your daily routine. Brushing and flossing keeps plaque to a minimum and removes particles between your teeth. In doing so, you reduce the likelihood of bacteria forming, as this is the gateway to gum disease, tooth decay and all those other conditions you hope to keep at bay.
However, brushing and flossing cannot entirely prevent the build-up of plaque and tartar. Also, they cannot wholly avoid the staining that builds up over time – especially if you smoke or regularly drink tea or coffee. Dental scaling removes plaque and tartar from the teeth and gumline, using the latest ultra-sonic technology and leaving your mouth feeling clean and fresh. A polish provides the finishing touch, removing staining and restoring your brilliant smile.
Preventing Tartar Build-Up
Having an oral hygienist or dentist cleaning teeth is slightly different from doing it yourself. Instead of a toothbrush, the dentist uses an ultrasonic device to remove the plaque and tartar that inevitably builds up over time. Plaque is a soft bacterial substance that naturally occurs in the mouth and tends to accumulate along the gumline. As it does so, it hardens into a yellow deposit called tartar.
Tartar traps acid-forming bacteria, which eats away at the tooth’s enamel if left unchecked. It also damages the gum. Leaving tartar to do its damage significantly increases the likelihood of such problems as tooth decay, receding gums, gingivitis, bad breath and other conditions.
The process of teeth tartar removal is known as descaling. It is usually painless; at worst, you might feel a slight sensitivity while the dentist or hygienist works along the gumline, but that only lasts a few seconds. Once your teeth have been descaled, they feel much cleaner and fresher; it is worth a few seconds of that “teeth on edge” feeling!
After descaling, the dentist will give your teeth a polish to remove any stains. Some teeth are more prone to staining than others, and lifestyle also makes a difference. Smoking or drinking red wine, tea or black coffee are among the worst culprits. So, if you want to reduce the amount of staining between visits to the scale and clean dentist, you might want to think about cutting out or at least cutting down on any such habits!
A Thorough Check-Up
When you come into our clinic for a dental check-up and clean, it is essential to understand that both parts are equally important in maintaining the best possible oral health, identifying any conditions as early as possible and preventing their spread.
This goes as much for the check-up as the descaling process. You might not have experienced any problems such as toothache, sensitivity or bleeding, but it is still important that your teeth and gums are properly examined. Many dental conditions, such as cavities and gum disease, develop without you being aware of them in the early stages. For example, a tooth cavity is usually at quite an advanced stage by the time it starts causing you toothache or sensitivity.
The dentist will closely examine every tooth, check for signs of trouble, and examine the gums. Sometimes, the dentist will also need to take x-rays, but this will not happen at every check-up. If there are any issues, you will either be invited to return for follow-up treatment, such as a filling for a cavity, or you might simply be given some advice on changing your day-to-day oral care routine to address issues such as mild cases of gum disease.
The check-up is also an opportunity for you to ask the dentist for advice on anything bothering you. From tooth grinding in your sleep to problems with bad breath to sudden sensitivity to hot or cold food and drink – whatever is on your mind, the dentist can advise on a potential course of treatment or lifestyle changes that might help.
Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene Habits for Life
We take pride in helping everyone to maintain the best possible oral health. We firmly believe prevention is better than cure, and periodic check-ups and teeth cleaning help avoid the necessity of treatments such as fillings, extractions and root canals.
Oral health also has a direct correlation with other aspects of health. To give just one example, researchers have found a growing body of evidence that gum disease can affect pancreatic and liver cells, increasing the likelihood of developing prediabetes. The same researchers noted that prolonged exposure to the bacteria found in gum disease could lead to glucose intolerance and insulin resistance, both of which are also prediabetes indicators.
Good dental hygiene habits are essential for all ages, and we look after patients aged two to 102. So, bring along the whole family, and let’s ensure everyone has a smile to be proud of, along with teeth and gums that feel as good as they look.
Get Started Today
Contact our friendly, experienced team today to schedule your first consultation! Health funds are accepted and processed on the spot with HICAPS. We’re providers with HCF, MDF and Medibank. Additionally, we work with zipMoney to arrange payment plans that will work with your budget.
Common Questions Related to Dental Check-Ups and Cleans
How often should you have a dental check-up and teeth cleaning?
The usual recommendation is to get your teeth and gums checked and cleaned every six months. Sometimes your dentist will recommend a shorter period between checks if you have any ongoing oral health issues or conditions that would benefit from more frequent monitoring.
How long does a dental check-up take?
The check-up takes about 10 minutes, while cleaning, descaling and polishing take around 20 minutes. Either might take a little longer if the dentist identifies any problems that need to be discussed or if you have any issues such as gingivitis that require the dentist or hygienist to take extra time over the cleaning.
Does getting my teeth professionally cleaned hurt?
The descaling and polishing process might cause some feeling of sensitivity, mainly while the cleaning around the gum edge, but it should not cause any pain. If it does, let the dentist or hygienist know at once, as this could be indicative of an underlying problem. This applies to any dental treatment; there are no prizes for suffering in silence, so if anything ever hurts, tell the dentist immediately.
Are home descalers safe?
Many products have appeared on the market lately that claim to allow you to clean and descale your teeth. Home teeth de-scalers are incredibly sharp, and gum tissue is soft and tender, so they may damage your gums or even your teeth! Home kits that promise “professional results” should be treated with suspicion and are not recommended.
How long can you go without seeing a dentist?
The recommended maximum period between check-ups is six months. However, if you have left it longer, don’t let that prevent you from putting things right. The dentist and staff will be focused on looking at the present and future, so don’t worry, nobody will call you out or give you a hard time over how long it’s been since your last visit!
How can I prepare for my dental check-up and teeth cleaning?
There are no special preparations to make. Brush and floss as usual before your appointment. Avoid eating or drinking during the two to three hours leading up to the consultation, as any debris left can irritate the cleaning process.
Does scale and polish damage teeth?
When a qualified dentist or hygienist performs scaling and polishing, it does not damage the teeth. On the contrary, it helps to keep them in the best possible condition and reduces the likelihood of damage through tooth decay or gum disease. Note that it is not recommended that you try to perform scaling and polishing at home.
How much does a check-up and teeth cleaning cost?
On average, our patients pay between $200-$250 for a check-up and teeth cleaning without dental radiographs. From time to time, we do offer check-up and teeth cleaning promotions for new patients (who have not been to the practice before) so keep an eye for it!
How do I stop my teeth from staining?
Some teeth are more prone to staining than others. Regular brushing with whitening toothpaste is your best defence, and you could also look at lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking or cutting down on tea and coffee. Here at Brighton Dental Suite, your dentist will be happy to discuss other lifestyle changes with you to minimise staining. All these things will help reduce staining, but you will still need to have your teeth properly cleaned and polished by the dentist to get rid of staining completely.