Straighten Your Teeth Today With Traditional Braces Treatment
Modern dental braces were invented in France more than 200 years ago. It is a testament to their design that contemporary Brisbane braces are not so different in their fundamental design all these years later.
If you or a loved one has crooked teeth, we offer all the latest braces options, both for teen and adult braces. Most people have a basic idea of what braces are, but here, we will dig a little deeper into their history and evolution.
A Brief History of Braces
Christophe-Francois Delabarre (1784-1862) is often considered the father of orthodontics. In 1819, he invented braces for teeth that consisted of a woven wire or “crib.” This fitted over the upper and lower teeth was worn for an extended period to gradually straighten crooked teeth over time.
In the late 1800s, American orthodontist Edward Angle refined Delabarre’s design. He was among the pioneers of orthodontics and he defined many of the standard classifications that every dentist who does braces still uses today.

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When to Get Teeth Braces
We would all love to have straight, even teeth. But a variety of surveys carried out over the years have all indicated that only about one in three people naturally have perfectly aligned teeth. There are numerous reasons why teeth grow crooked, including overcrowding, jaw shape or size, early loss of baby teeth or thumb-sucking. Sometimes, it is just a case of bad luck when teeth erupt out of alignment.
Your dentist will be able to advise you on whether you would benefit from braces. It’s just one more reason why those regular check-ups are so important, as it is always best to act sooner rather than later. Delaying getting braces fitted will only increase the likelihood of other problems developing. For example, when teeth are overcrowded, it is harder to floss effectively, potentially leading to such issues as gum disease or tooth decay.
Having said that, it is never too late to get braces. If you didn’t get teenage braces but have lived with crooked or crowded teeth for years, you’ll be interested to know that the number of adults seeking cosmetic dentistry braces has risen dramatically over the last 20 years. In fact, recent surveys show that one in five people wearing braces today are adults.
Getting Started With Braces in Brisbane
The first step on the road to straight and even teeth is to book a consultation with our braces dentist. If you need orthodontic treatment, the dentist will outline the different options available. Braces are a common solution for all ages. However, in many adult cases, Invisalign clear plastic braces are a good alternative.
Your dentist will explain the options and make recommendations to help you come to the right decision. If you decide to go ahead with traditional dental braces, the next step will be to take a thorough scan of your mouth using the latest technology or a mould of your teeth.
The next step will be for our oral health practitioner to thoroughly clean the surface of each tooth where the braces will be placed. Then, your dentist will prepare the tooth surface and attach an individual brace onto each tooth. A light-curing technique is used to set the braces and then the initial wires are placed on them. Finally, small rubber modules are placed over the wire and the brace.
Living With Braces
Patients often worry about how to clean their teeth when they have braces. The short answer is pretty much the same way as they do without braces! You can still brush as usual and floss (with some modifications) when you have braces, and with the addition of an interdental brush to your dental hygiene artillery, you will be able to reach any tricky spots that are hard to get to with your traditional toothbrush.
Make sure you maintain your usual routine of check ups with the dentist and hygienist, too. Also, be sure to mention any pain or discomfort. A little soreness is common when you first wear braces, but it should disappear after a week or two as your mouth gets used to them. If problems persist, don’t suffer in silence. It’s probably just a case of needing minor adjustments.
Another common concern is that wearing braces will place limitations on what you can do. In fact, they really need not hold you back. True, there are a few foods you should avoid, such as very hard or sticky confectionary. Others, like apples and corn you will find easier to eat sliced or stripped from the cob. Otherwise, you can live your life as usual while your braces do their work.
Looking After Your Braces
Food can be easily caught in the metal brackets of your braces. You must be sure to care for them meticulously so that particles don’t become lodged in them. Brushing and flossing should be done at least twice daily. A gentle hand is necessary so that the brackets aren’t compromised. Brushing should be done after each meal to prevent food from discolouring your teeth.
We offer payment plans through zipMoney and participate with Contact us today to schedule an evaluation for traditional braces Brighton!
Common Questions Regarding Braces
Will I Need Teeth Out to Have Braces?
That depends on each case. In some cases, such as severe overcrowding, we might recommend the extraction of one or more teeth. But as an overriding principle, extractions are only performed if absolutely essential.
How Long Will I Need to Wear Braces?
The average treatment time for traditional metal braces is 12-24 months. A mild case with only one or two crooked teeth might need only 12 months, while more severe cases can take over two years.
Can I Have Braces Removed For a Special Event?
Yes, it is possible to remove your braces for you to attend a special event. However, it will mean you need to attend the dental clinic to have them removed and then book another consultation to have them refitted.
Am I Too Old to Wear Braces?
No, there is no upper age limit for orthodontic treatment. Sometimes your braces dentist will recommend Invisalign clear plastic braces instead of traditional ones for adult orthodontic treatment. However, it depends on your specific case, and we will gladly assess your teeth and gums to help determine the best treatment for you.
How Much Does it Cost to Have Braces Fitted?
Determining the cost of having braces fitted can vary based on several factors, including the type of braces chosen, the complexity of your case, and any additional treatments needed. Since every patient’s orthodontic journey is unique, providing an exact figure without a consultation is challenging.
To get a better understanding of the cost associated with braces fitted specifically for your needs, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our experienced dentists. During this appointment, we will assess your dental condition, discuss your treatment options, and provide you with a detailed breakdown of the anticipated costs involved.
Are Braces Painful to Wear?
No, our orthodontic treatments are painless. When braces are first fitted, you will notice some minor soreness or discomfort, but this should disappear in a matter of days. If it persists, be sure to tell your dentist, as the braces might just need some adjustment.
Can You Eat Normally With Braces?
You can still enjoy most foods while wearing braces. You might need to eat some food differently, such as cutting food like apples into small chunks instead of biting into them. It is also advisable to avoid very sticky or hard food such as toffee or hard confectionery.
What Should I Do if My Braces Break?
Braces can occasionally break or become loose. If something obvious has come loose or detached, put it back into place if you can easily do so to prevent further damage. Then book an appointment with your dentist and explain what has happened. Problems like these are usually quick and easy to fix, and doing so without delay will ensure your treatment remains on track.
Do Adult Braces Take Longer to Work?
It is often the case that adult orthodontic treatment takes longer than it does for children or teenagers. This is because it is easier to move teeth into the desired position while the jaw bone is less dense in younger people and there may also be growth that can be favourable. However, braces can still be highly effective for patients of all ages.